Sunday, November 21, 2021

Pushing Rewind on the Memory Playlist

 When I left for college, the backseat of my Mercury Marquis was filled nearly to to point of blocking the rear window. If I twisted just right, I could retrieve tapes throughout the day, ensuring that my drive was never limited by local FM stations. Instead I could revel in the freedom of the open road accompanied by the songs that had captivated me through my final years of high school. If I remember correctly, there were close to two hundred tapes in the backseat. I figured I would make it all the way to Massachusetts and never have to repeat a single tape. It didnt quite work out that way.

I found myself three days later, pulling into the parking lot of my college. A day early and no where to sleep. The dorms wouldn't open for another day, so I treated myself to another McDonalds dinner and retired early, pushing my pillow against the passenger side window. With the windows rolled down, I listened through the night to the slow sounds that I would come to know as the hourly bus drove through campus on its way into town. Other than a few passes by security, I was left to my own devices. For three days I had driven with my collection of tapes to keep me company. Now I felt like they failed me. The sound didnt fit the location. 

Early in the morning, before the sun had risen over the apple orchard, I heard the slam of a nearby car door. Parents dropping off their kids. Damn! That was early. Within the hour, I was hip deep in the moving-in process, anxious to have everything out of my car and into my narrow little room. It didn't take very many trips before everything was laid out and packed into my new life. I had brought a small tape deck radio boombox with me. In my head, I figured it was best to leave my big component stereo system at home in Florida, since there it would be safe. Picking out the first tape to play in my new room was critical... what would set the tone? Something raucous? Something soulful? Something playful? Straight up rock and roll? I kept opening the little drawers with all of my tapes and finding nothing that seemed the speak to the moment. 

At the end of the hall was a shared bathroom (of which I shall write another time).  From the door second from the bathroom entrance came the most fascinating song. 

In April when your barge sailed through
I fell in love with you
Alas my paramour alack
A stranger to me 'til the test comes back

Oh the micro-organism

Oh the micro-organism  

I was in love! I dont think I have ever rushed to finish peeing for a song before. I came out of the bathroom hoping to catch more of the song. 

The cowslips bloom and the bluebells too
Here's advice I'll give to you
Rattle your sword before you strike
And never kiss anyone you like

Oh my god! I laughed so hard! I had never heard anything like this. I knocked on my hallmate's door, desperate to find out who this could be. Matt turned out to be the kindest gentle soul from Minneapolis. By the end of the day he had copied this Boiled in Lead tape and included Rare Air on the other side. That tape started life part two. 

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